Mindmap made by the students

Shaping the program!

The connecting between mental wellbeing and nutrition is taking a solid stand in our society. Most people would agree that eating healthy benefits our mental wellbeing and decreases the risk of depression and anxiety. With depression and anxiety on the rise among our youngsters, more and more research is emerging that there is a relationship […]

Mental wellbeing pilot program for high – school kids!

I am really excited about the new pilot program I am running! For a couple of years I have been running workshops and talks on stress. But as a mother of two (young) teenagers, my antenna is more and more aimed at this age-group. And it seemed that there is an increasing number of stories […]

Susan Stein Nutritionist | Brisbane Nutrition | Nutrition Workshops | Weight Loss | Children's Nutrition

How stress is wearing us down, and what to do about it

When people talk about stress we often imagine a workplace around it. Of course, there are many factors in our daily life besides work that cause stress. What is stressful is different for everyone: Whether you are in a relationship or not, both social media statuses can be a cause for stress. Or being a […]

Susan Stein Nutritionist | Brisbane Nutrition | Nutrition Workshops | Weight Loss | Children's Nutrition

New Year’s resolutions, where are they now?

No, this blog is not late, I really want to talk about New Year’s resolutions. The top 4 New Year’s resolutions made in Australia all evolve around health: More fitness, healthier eating, quit smoking and drinking. But how many of these New year’s resolutions are still being followed one month into 2018? Did people really […]

Susan Stein Nutritionist | Brisbane Nutrition | Nutrition Workshops | Weight Loss | Children's Nutrition

7 Tips to survive the Holiday Season

Ah yes, the Holiday season is upon us! Love it or hate it, both can be a reason to overindulge on food and alcohol. To put it in numbers: An English study showed that raising a glass in the holiday’s results in an increase of 12 million bottles of alcohol extra sold, per week that […]

Susan Stein Nutritionist | Brisbane Nutrition | Nutrition Workshops | Weight Loss | Children's Nutrition

Chicken or the egg; Does stress influence your gut or your gut your stress?

In a previous post, So there is a link between stress and nutrition?, I mentioned the impact of stress and nutrition on our health. Besides the physical processes mentioned in the article, most of us recognise the existence of the connection between the gut and the brain, the so called ‘gut-brain-axis. We know that, in […]

So there is a link between stress and nutrition?

As a promoter of healthy work environment and assisting employees deal with their stress by adapting to a healthier life style, this question is asked frequently: How (on earth) can food help lower stress among my workforce? There are many processes to deal with stress that are interlinked, but to make a start somewhere, our […]

Susan Stein Nutritionist | Brisbane Nutrition | Nutrition Workshops | Weight Loss | Children's Nutrition

Are health programs a waste of money?

We live in an interesting time, for the first time ever there is so much research available which links lifestyle to morbidity and mortality, where we cannot deny that implementing modifiable factors like nutrition, exercise and self-development, have a positive effect on our (mental) wellbeing. And it doesn’t take much to imagine that adapting these […]

Susan Stein Nutritionist | Brisbane Nutrition | Nutrition Workshops | Weight Loss | Children's Nutrition

Rainbow Trout Pasta

Rainbow Trout Pasta As supplements go, fish oil is very popular, with even our supermarkets selling them by the bucket. The problem with these cheaper brands is that the production and storage may have caused the fish oil to oxidise. Now, oxidized fish oil does more harm in your body than good, so always be […]