Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of your clients.
The reasons to invest in a Wellness Programs are plentiful. It is therefore no surprise that having a Wellness Program in place for your employees is trending among businesses in 2017.

Sir Richard Branson

While having a Wellness Program in place is just ‘the right thing to do’, there are financial gains for organisations who chose for such a program.

Now that competition for skilled workers is getting fiercer, according to the Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI), the staff turnover is on the rise in Australia. Research has identified an association between health and wellbeing and employee turnover: where an organisation does not manage health and wellbeing well it is four times more likely to lose talent in the next twelve months.

AHRI estimated that the cost of staff turnover in Australia is in the order of $20 billion per year.

Abstenteeism is also on the rise, and went from 8,5 days per employee to an average of 10,5 per year. This costs a company an average of $3740 per employee per year. 75 % of these unplanned absences are due to illnesses, linking the health from an employee directly to increased costs.

But a problem bigger than absenteeism is ‘Presenteeism’, and not in the least because of the hidden costs of this phenomena. Presenteeism occurs when employees are present, but they are not productive. This is either due to illness or not being energized enough to perform their best. Research has shown that a healthy employee is far more effective than an unhealthy one. So a healthy employee clocks 143 effective hours per month where as an unhealthy one clocks 49 hours per week.

‘The Ripple Effect of Food’ offers hands on programs empowering your employees into a healthier lifestyle. All our programs are science based and offer plenty of ongoing support for you and your employees.

Contact us today for an appointment to discuss the possibilities for your organisation.


mobile: 61 416 931 034

And how do you score? Would you or your executives answer ‘yes’ to these questions?

  • I struggle to sleep properly;
  • I NEED coffee first thing when I arrive at the office;
  • I feel at times overwhelmed, anxious or depressed;
  • I suffer from a ‘midafternoon’ dip every day;
  • I struggle to concentrate and keep my focus.
  • I feel that I could perform better, but can’t really put my finger on it.